MX2BT - Portable analogue multimeter + MINI01 clamp + TX01 LED tester + case - METRIX

MX2BT - Multimètre analogique portable + pince MINI01 + testeur à leds TX01 + mallette - METRIX

MX2BT - Analog Multimeter Clamp MINI01 laptop + + + TX01 LED tester kit - METRIXMX2BT - Analog Multimeter Clamp MINI01 laptop +

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The analog meter terrain
The MX 2B resists any land uses through, among other things, the robustness of the molded housing and water resistant. It is protected on all calibers and a security alarm when positioned ohmmeter.
The probe, which comes standard with the meter, allows the measurement of AC currents up to 200A safely, avoiding opening the main circuit.
The MX 2B is also available in hard case.
  • DC voltage 150mV to 1500V
  • Basic accuracy class 2
  • AC voltage of 5 to 1500V
  • Average measure
  • Bandwidth of 16Hz to 1kHz
  • DC 50μA to 10A
  • AC 10 to 200A Clamp
  • 20kΩ resistor to 2MΩ
  • Continuity with beeper
  • Diode test
  • Scale in dB from -6 to 66
  • IP65
  • Dimensions: 155 x 98 x 40mm, weight 420g
    Cat.III IEC 61010-1, 600V - Cat.II, 1000V


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